Foundation | Grant Process




The Grant Process

  1. Accredited: Your camp must be accredited through the American Camp Association, and a current member in good standing.  It is not necessary for your camp to be a client of UltraCamp.

  2. Three-way financial agreement: It is the intention of the UltraCamp Foundation to share the joy, commitment, and responsibility of giving the camp experience to sponsored children. If selected to receive funds, you are entering into a three-way financial agreement between UCF, your camp, and the beneficiaries’ family. Each invests as follows:

    • UCF requires that you reduce your camp fees applied to the beneficiary by 33%.

    • UCF requires that the parent or primary caregiver pay an agreed percentage of the total cost for their child or children to attend camp. This percentage is determined on the local camp level and does not involve the UCF team.

    • If your camp is selected to receive funds, UCF will then promise a grant. After review of the Post Camp Report, grant money is issued in a lump sum. This grant money is to be used exclusively toward the cost of children ages 7 – 18 to attend camp and is applied to individual accounts at the discretion of the local camp staff.

  3. Deadlines: The application process is time sensitive. Please review the submission deadlines and grant schedule below:



  • November 5, 2020: The UltraCamp Foundation website opens for applications

  • March 23, 2021: Application deadline.

  • April 30, 2021: Grants will be determined.

  • May 3 & May 4 2021: Grant status will be announced, whether promised or denied.

  • September 15, 2021: Post Camp Report for awarded camps is due

4. Post Camp Report: A Post Camp Report must be completed and submitted through this website. This communicates how money was distributed and collects information about each camper selected and his or her experience at camp. This report is to be completed after your camp season.


UltraCamp customer support is limited to camp administrators only. If you are not an administrator, please contact your camp or organization directly for assistance.